Charles Iheagwara, Ph.D., Director, Cyber Security Practice, Unatek; SDM Alumnus
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Date: August 12, 2013
About the Presentation
Cyber espionage and cyber attacks are just two of the innumerable threats facing enterprise networks as a result of the ever-evolving technical landscape. Reasons include:
- wireless and cloud domains that have expanded the perimeter of cyber defense;
- a new underground economy that is not properly understood and which therefore challenges the design, operation, and effectiveness of enterprise cyber security; and
- the resultant multiplicity of undefined, unforeseen, and often undetected threat vectors.
This webinar will provide:
- an overview of the extended enterprise landscape and the cyber space ecosystem;
- a high-level explanation of why current and/or traditional cyber security architecture fails to effectively protect networked institutional and corporate assets; and
- an introduction to new concepts and ideas that can form the foundation of future cyber security architecture and shields.
About the Speaker
SDM alumnus Dr. Charles Iheagwara is a renowned cyber security expert with more than 13 years of practical field experience; he has also written numerous technical and academic articles on this topic. Dr. Iheagwara has worked with Lockheed Martin, KPMG, NASDAQ (via Edgar Online), and others with crucial security needs, and he has led risk advisory consulting engagements for a wide range of clients, including Reagan National Airport, Dulles International Airport, Metropolitan Airports Authority, Industrial Bank of Washington, and several US government agencies. He holds several graduate degrees including a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Glamorgan in the United Kingdom and an S.M. in engineering and management from MIT.
About the Series
The MIT System Design and Management Program Systems Thinking Webinar Series features research conducted by SDM faculty, alumni, students, and industry partners. The series is designed to disseminate information on how to employ systems thinking to address engineering, management, and socio-political components of complex challenges. Recordings and slides from past presentations can be viewed at